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Will Purchasing Masonic Jewelry Bring Me Luck?

My title (that you request on this form) is: I am a middle-aged, stupid, unemployed, useless bum.

I have been offered to purchase Masonic jewelry on line.

I am told it will bring me happiness and luck.
I am not a member, but I need a little luck. What are your thoughts on purchasing the jewelry online?

Will purchasing Masonic jewelry bring me luck?

During the current economic conditions, there are many people who are having a hard time finding a job. I suggest that you continue your job search, rather than purchasing Masonic jewelry.

Masonic jewelry does not bring luck to its wearer, so, please save your money.

Being unemployed is disheartening and dispiriting for anyone. I have said a prayer that you may find employment of some kind very soon.

I believe that God knows of your plight. I also ask that whomever reads this, also says a prayer that you may find work, soon.

Please continue your job search every day, in person, rather than only online and write back in 2 weeks to let us know how you're doing.

Take heart, and persevere every day! You have many other people collectively rooting for you!

Yours in the faith,


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Dec 15, 2011
Masonic Jewelry Bring Luck?
by: Anonymous

No. Buying Masonic jewelry will not bring you luck... falsely representing yourself as a Freemason will not get you a job... Even being a Freemason will not get you a job... We don't get into Freemasonry seeking wealth...

Simon's Reply:

Well said.

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