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Vendor Day Fundraiser

by Betty

I am not a Mason but I am a wife of a mason and in LOSNA. My year to raise funds for ways and means occurred 2 years ago. While I was planning my year, I was asked to several jewelry and Pampered Chef parties. I found out that they fund raise for charities.

In the mean time, in my husbands lodge, one of the men had a day where he came in and sold chocolate and another came in and cleaned jewelry, OES sold thises and thats and they sold pulled pork. I thought the Masons had a good idea.

However, it was not easy to get volunteers, so I decided I would make the pulled pork myself and get vendors in to sell their goods.

We had four vendors and pulled pork and some of our ladies baked goodies. We made over $900. Not bad for the first time. Since then, the idea has spread throughout our OES and I think it would work better for Masons as you have bigger gatherings than we do. Also, we found that if we get a vendor to do the pulled pork, our organization is not responsible for unsold food and cleanup was a breeze.

As an added idea, There are Masons that make things for men that would bring in more men. When you go to Grand Lodge there are vendors there, but nobody has to go to meeting. It is just a fun family day. Do it indoors where there is air conditioning (or heat).

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