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Moral and Upright Men

by Paris Campbell
(Chaumont, NY)

I joined the Masons because I was exposed to them while attending their community dinners and breakfasts in my village.

The Masonic members that I meet showed me that they were honest men with morals, that cared about doing what is right and helping others.

They explained to me what they stood for and I immediately knew that I would fit in with my brothers and have found it to be one of the best decisions that I have made in my life.

There are no conspiracy theories that are true and it is a worthy organization for all men to join if they are moral and upright men.

Chaumont Lodge #172

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Jul 25, 2013
Masonic Brothers
by: Anonymous


I agree and it is nice to hear from brothers from other countries.

Paris Campbell
WM Chaumont Lodge 172
Chaumont, New York

Jul 25, 2013
No Bad Brothers
by: Anonymous

Dear Brother

I am writing from the Rep. of South Africa, I just want to let you know, you would not find bad Brothers in Masonary, although not every one will agree with every thing but bad members not easy to find
Brotherly Love


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