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Learn About Freemasonry

by Robert J. McCorkle
(Albert Pike Lodge #117 F&AM in Beautiful Denver, CO
of the US of A)

I've just become a Mason, or as it is apparently said, "Freemason", and I'm excited to come forth seeking knowledge specifically found in the symbolism and minds of the Master Mason, especially that of the York Rite, as well as the fraternal trust of good men and the focus on becoming better men.

As for me specifically, a better man of God - though I fully understand Masonry is not a religion.

I have seen much ridicule, and though it's not a religion, the fact that the purpose of Masonry is to repurpose ourselves and our lives as better men for the day we go to heaven, I can see where it is easily skewed in many ways by those who have not sought its true meaning.

I fought with myself over the decision to even show interest in the craft since even my own religion has many suggesting against it - but as with anything in life, if you don't find out for yourself and attempt to find a true meaning, you may miss out on something that is truly wonderful and has been and will be a virtue of men for eons to come.

It can be said that you need nothing else other than the Bible, but if others seeking the craft were persuaded away by reasons for religion, I'd ask what is the need to learn to speak a language, or learn history, or understand the meaning and math behind triangles, or seek a meaning to life?

My point is, if you've come across this site seeking answers as I am seeking additional education in the basics of Masonry, then know that the journey of a Mason can be your own and additionally fulfill answers and eventually perceptions which you can learn and decide for yourself.

I'd suggest if you're seeking points of Masonry for reasons of faith, to ensure you have a solid understanding in your faith before seeking the fraternity so you aren't confused. If you have a solid understanding of your faith and want to add to it, I've found that education of Masonry can only add knowledge and provide an opportunity for me personally to gain my own perception and translation of many things in life, including my faith.

Eventually, I look forward to learning Greek and Hebrew so that I may take all these things and translate original texts for myself. In the mean time, I'm tasting a fire hose of knowledge as I'm learning the craft and am excited for my journey!

Lastly, I'd like to thank the gentlemen of my lodge for a truly fulfilling and humbling experience when I became a Mason. I know I made the right decision the day I was initiated. I'm proud to be a part of such a chivalric group of professional and trustworthy men that exist to leave a mark on the world as good men with the purpose in life of making other good men.

To those potential brothers looking, I'd suggest to find a good lodge that has a strong practice (you'll know) in Masonry that may provide you a fulfilling and educational experience as a Mason. If you're handed a manual and asked to come back when you're ready, I would ask that you come visit us at Albert Pike (lodge). Not to discredit any other lodge, but I shopped around myself, and I'm glad I did. There again, I found what was right for me and I encourage others to find what's right for them.

Simon's Reply:

Well said, Robert. Thank you for sharing. As you said, Freemasonry is not about any one religion. It is about embracing the foundation of your own personal relationship with God, to become a better man, in company with other men around the world.

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Jun 29, 2012
Master Mason For Over 33 Years
by: W.B. Russell Gunn

I would just like to say that as a Master Mason for over 33 years, Past master of my lodge, and Chaplin for 14 years, at almost every Lodge meeting, I ask that every Brother under the sound of my voice to please attend the Church of your choice.

For WE are the Brotherhood of Man UNDER the Father hood of God, " that gives us the right to call one another BROTHER as long as he is a Mason.

Some of my brothers may have a problem in the way
that I use the name God. But that's not my problem. Be strong , be happy, be a Mason. Good idea to visit.

May the God of heaven be with you all.

It all started in my Heart in 1978.

Jun 29, 2012
Freemasonry Is A Way of Living

I would like to bring it also to the attention of the writer that if he keep up with Freemasonry he will know later on that Freemasonry is a way of living. I would also like to welcome him into our order and wish him the best of luck for the future and new Masonic career.



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